
How to store your cakes?

How to store your cakes?

So, it was your birthday. You ordered this delicious cake from Cake Gallery. Now, the party’s over, and there’s a lot more left-over cake and it’s still delicious! What do you do? You preserve it. Most of us might think that preserving a cake is a hassle. But it is not. After party preservation is memorable. You can play these wonderful cakey moments again and again in your mind when you chew on the flavour later. However, you must store it properly and keep it fresh so that you can consume it later.

Based on the duration of consumption, you can divide the cake preservation process into two. You can either refrigerate it for a short or long span of time.

Short span

You must take all precautions even if you are refrigerating cake for short periods. Take certain things into consideration so that the cake doesn’t become dry. When you refrigerate the cake, you can keep it fresh for 2 to 3 days. If you wish to keep it fresh only for a few hours, then you just have to upturn a bowl over the cake. A cake-keeper can also help in this case.

Alternatively, if you don’t want the cake to lose its softness, then wrap it in plastic. You must shrink wrap the cake; otherwise, it could lose its moisture to other foods in the fridge.

Take all care to seal the cake properly. The wrapping should be on the cake itself and not around the carrier or a plate.

Longer spans

When you try and preserve the cake for longer periods, you are ideally trying to keep it fresh for more than a week. Freeze it in the refrigerator without the icing. Because it's the frosting that spoils the cake’s texture, making it wet and soggy, when preserved for long. When cake is frozen with its creams, it tends to become stale.

Cake Gallery's cakes are prepared with utmost care. We use high-quality ingredients in town for the best outcomes! Reach out to us for some of the most delicious flavours.